Platinum Jubilee Display 4th June 2022
The History Group will be opening the William Layne Reading Room on Aughton Lane, Aston from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday 4th June 2022. We will have on display Royal scrapbooks and other books about the Royal family and events. Also photographs and information showing the changes in the parish since the Coronation in 1953 and maps illustrating the growth of the parish since 1900 to the current time.
If you have any photographs, stories or memorabilia from the Coronation or any of the Jubilees since that time, please bring them along. We would love to see the photos and share your memories.
Our Platinum Jubilee Celebration Display was very well attended and the Reading Room was busy all day with visitors, including Rother Valley M.P. Alexander Stafford and Aston Parish Clerk, Kate Butler. The scrapbooks were very popular, as well as the other royal books and memorabilia. Thank you to everyone who came.